Spring Tutorial – Annotation Based Configuration in Spring framework

In the previous chapters, we have seen how we can use configure the dependencies using XML.

XML configuration can be heavy and increase the amount of code that we need to write to make the configurations. Since spring 2.5 it became possible to configure the spring dependency injection using annotations.

This chapter will cover:

        1.     What are Spring annotations?

        2.     How to turn on annotations in spring?

        3.     Some Important annotations in Spring Framework.

What are spring annotations?

Before spring 2.5, to define any dependency injection in the framework we use XML based configuration. These XML based configurations are very difficult to write and it increases the amount of code that we need to write.

Spring 2.5 and higher version provides the facility of declaring the dependencies by using annotation configuration. These annotations based configuration is very easy to use and reduce the amount of code that we need to implement to define the configuration.

How to turn on annotation configuration in spring?

The annotation based configuration is not turned on by default in spring. We need to make some configuration to turn the spring annotation on.

To turn on spring annotation based configuration we use <context:annotaition-config/> tag in spring configuration file. Below is the example for the same:

After <context:annotation-config/> is used we can use the annotations that are provided in the spring framework.

Some important spring annotations:

There are lots of annotations that are provided by the spring framework. But, in this chapter, we will see some of the most important annotations that we come across in daily coding.

        1.     @Autowired:

Usually while using XML based configuration we specify bean that will be used in another bean use ref attribute. But spring framework supports @Autowired annotation to do the same thing without XML configuration.

There are a total of 6 ways by which we can autowire a spring bean:

1.     Autowire byName –

These types of autowiring are used on setter methods. The variable name in spring configuration file and class where we are defining the autowiring should be same.

2.     Autowire byType –

For this type of autowiring class, types are used.

3.     Autowire by constructor –

This is similar to autowire byType only difference is, in this constructors are used for autowiring.

4.     Autowire by autodetect –

This type of autowire is available with spring 3.0 or order. This is a deprecated autowire type.

5.     @Autowired annotation –

We can use @Autowired annotation to autowire a spring bean. This annotation can be used on methods and variables. This will be autowire byType. We can also use it on constructor for constructor based autowiring.

6.     @Qualifier annotation –

This annotation can be used when we have ambiguity exception. @Qualifier annotation can be used to resolve conflicts in bean mapping.

Let us understand @Autowire annotation with an example. Let us take below Employee.java as the model bean.


Using @Autowire for autowiring byType


        2.     @Required –

This annotation is used on the bean property setter method and it indicates that the affected bean property must be populated in XML configuration file at the time of configuration. The example of @Required annotation is given below:

In the above example, we can see that the @Required annotation is used on name property which means that when the Employee bean is configured it should have a default value for “name” property.

If in case we fail to give the value while configuring the bean the compiler will throw BeanInitializationException.


        3.     @Qualifier –

@Qualifier will resolve the ambiguity exception. Let us see an example without the @Qualifier annotation and what is the exact problem that can occur.

Consider three class TextFormater.java, PDFFormatter.java and FormatterService.java. Content of which are given below:




Now, if we try to load FormatterService.java into the context then the compiler will throw an exception NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. This is because bean does not know which bean to inject. To resolve NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException we use @Qualifier annotation as below:




With above example we can see that in FormatterService.java if we use @Qualifier we are specifying the Formatter type which we want to autowire.


These were some of the important annotations that we come across every day. Some other annotations are:

        1.     @Component – this annotation is used to mark the bean as the component which will be managed by spring. @Service, @Repository is the special case of @Component.

        2.     @Service – this annotation is used on the class to indicate that this class is used at the service layer and holds business logic.

        3.     @Repository – this annotation is used at the class level to indicate that the class is used at the repository layer. Any persistence specific exception will be handled by this class.

        4.     @Controller – this annotation will mark the class as spring controller and all the request and response will be handled by this class.


So, with the use of spring annotation based configuration, we eliminate the use of XML based configurations which provides more flexibility to the application.

That is all for this chapter. Hope you like the article.

The Next Chapter in the series will be Spring – Dependency Injection.

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