Immutability in java

What are Immutable classes/objects in java?

 Today, in this tutorial we will learn what immutable objects are, how we can create immutable objects and what are the advantages of immutable objects. First, let’s understand what does immutable mean.

What is an immutable object?

An immutable object is an object whose internal state remains constant after the object is created. In other words, if an object is created as immutable then that object guarantees that the object will behave the same entire lifetime.

Final vs Immutable.

Final – final can be class, variable or method in java. Final modifier ensures that once the variable is declared as final its value cannot be modified. If the class is declared as final then it can be extended.

Immutability - In simple terms, immutability means that it does not change over time or that it cannot be changed. In Java, we know that String objects are immutable, which means that we cannot change anything in existing String objects.

Difference between Final and Immutable

1. Final means that you cannot change the object's reference to point to another reference or another object, but you can still mutate its position (using the setter method). Where immutable means that the true value of an object cannot be changed, but its reference to another can be changed.

2. The final modifier is applicable for variables, not for objects, while immutability is applicable for objects, not for variables.

3. Final ensures that the address of the object remains the same, while the immutable suggests that we cannot change the state of the object once it is created.

4. By declaring the reference variable as final we are not going to obtain any nature of immutability but we can make any kind of change to the corresponding objects and we cannot reassign the reference variable to any new object.

String class

The string is the most used class in java. In java, the String class is made immutable. There are some reasons why the String class is made immutable in java:

      1. String pool – Reusing the String literal by caching them saves a lot of heap space as different String variables refer to the same String object in String pool. The same service is given by String literal pool also.

      The Java string pool is the special memory area where strings are stored by the JVM. Because of Sting immutability, the allocated memory is optimized by JVM by storing only one copy of each literal String into the pool. This process is called interning.

      Due to the presence of a string pool in the preceding example, two different variables are pointing to the same string object from the pool, thus saving significant memory resources.

      2.  Security – Strings are used to store sensitive information like username, password, network connections etc,

      If the strings were mutable, by the time we run the update, we cannot be sure that the string we receive, even after running the security checks, is secure. The untrusted calling method still has the reference and can change the String between integrity checks. So our query is prone to SQL injections in this case. Therefore, mutable strings could cause security degradation over time.

      In general, immutability comes to our rescue in this case because it is easier to operate with sensitive code when the values do not change. After all, there are fewer collations of operations that could affect the result.

      3. Synchronization – The immutability ability of String make them thread-safe automatically. Therefore, immutable objects can generally be shared on multiple threads running simultaneously. They are also thread-safe because if a thread changes the value, then instead of changing the same, a new string will be created in the String pool. Therefore, the strings are safe for multiple threads.

      4. Hashcode - We can see that String class is used in Data structures like HashMap, HashTable, HashSet etc, The String immutability guarantee that their value will not change. So, to facilitate the hashing mechanism, the hashCode() method is overridden in String class. Hence, the hash code is calculated in the beginning and the same will be returned every since.

On the other hand, mutable String has the potential to lose the value object in the map during insertion and retrieval, if the content of the String is modified.

These were some of the reasons why the String class is made immutable in java. We can create an immutable object using programming also. Let’s see how we can create an immutable class in java and how we can use immutable objects.

How to create user defined immutable class?

Java provides the facility to the users to create our immutable class. Here are some of the rules that we have to follow while creating the immutable class:

            1.      Declare the class as final so the class extension can be restricted.

            2.      Make the data variables as private so that outside access should be restricted.

            3.      No setter methods should be provided.

            4.      Mutable fields should be made final so that their value should be assigned only once.

            5.      Initialize all fields using a constructor that performs a deep copy.

            6.      Make sure you always return a clone copy of the field, and never return the instance of the actual object.

Let’s create our own immutable class following the above steps:


Immutable classes propose lot of advantages, especially when used correctly in a multi-threaded environment. The only downside is that it consumes more memory than the traditional class because with each change a new object is created in the memory but, a developer should not overestimate the memory consumption, because it is negligible compared to the advantages offered by these types of classes.

Finally, an object is immutable if it can present a single state to other objects, no matter how and when they name its methods. If so, it is safe by any definition of thread-safe.

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