Java - Files and IO | JavaTutorials

In this tutorial, I am going to explain about file IO in java. How can we deal with file handling, how can we upload a file, what are stream API  in java and much more. Let us get started. package provides a wide range of classes that we can use to perform file input output operations (file IO). These classes are known as streams. The stream classes support almost all data types.

What is stream

In normal terms, a stream is a sequence of something; similarly in java stream is the sequence of data. Mainly the stream can be:

        1.      InputStream – used in reading source data.

        2.      OutputStream – used in writing data to output.

The flow of stream goes like:

First, let’s get familiar with file IO streams in java by taking easy yet important examples.

We will discuss three examples byte streams, character stream and standard stream. After these examples, we will move forward to reading from and writing to the file using IO in java.

Byte Stream

To perform input and output on 8-bit bytes we use byte stream. Below example make use of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream to copy the content of one file into another. 

Now, create a file with name input.txt and write some content in it.

Compiling and running the above code will result in creating a file with name output.txt and copying the content into output.txt from input.txt.

Character Stream

Unlike byte stream, the character stream is used to perform IO operations for 16-bit Unicode. The below example uses FileReader and FileWriter to perform IO operations. Both FileReader and FileWriter use FileInputStream and FileOutputStream internally, but the difference is that FileReader reads two bytes at a time and FileWriter writes two bytes at a time.

Now, create a file with name input.txt and write some content in it.

Compiling and running the above code will result in creating a file with name output.txt and copying the content into output.txt from input.txt.

Standard Stream

These streams are used when we want to get the input from the user using the command line and print that into a file or save that into the file. Similar to C and C++, java provides three standard stream classes:

1.      Standard Input – this stream is represented as This is usually used when we want to insert the data into the program using the command line or user input data.

2.      Standard Output – this stream is represented as System.out. This is usually used to display the user input data on the screen or in the console.

3.      Standard Error – this stream is represented as System.err. this is usually used to display any error message caused because of programmer data.

Below program makes use of InputStreamReader to read the user entered data until the user types “x”.

By Compiling and running the code we can see that the console will accept the characters from the user and will keep of reading the characters until ‘x’ is pressed.

Reading and writing files

InputStream and OutputStream are the main classes. The hierarchy goes like this.

Out of these classes, in this tutorial, we will discuss only the important ones.


This stream class is used to read the content from the file. To use this stream make sure that the file specified should exist is the drive specified.

We can use FileInputStream constructor to create the object

            InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“C:/java/hello”);

This constructor takes file location to create an InputStream object and reads the file.

There are many internal methods which we can use to perform the stream operation. They are as follows.

1.      public void close() throws IOException – Closes file output stream should be used in finally block.

2.      public int read(int r) throws IOException – reads specified data returns an int. Returns -1 when file ends.

3.      protected void finalize() throws IOException – used in clean up like cleaning up the connection to the file.

4.      public int read(byte[] r) throws IOException – it reads from the InputStream upto Return -1 when end of file.

5.      public int available() throws IOException – gives the number of bytes available to read.


This class creates a buffer in the memory to be used as an InputStream. The byte array is the input source. The below example uses ByteArrayInputStream and ByteArrayOutputStream.


Print the content

b y t e a r r a y

Converting the characters to upper case



This stream class is used to read primitives data type. DataInputStream offers multiple methods which are given below:

1.      public final int read(byte[] r, int off, int length) throws IOException – read the data up to the length of the byte array specified. Returns the total number of bytes or -1 if the file comes to end.

2.      public final int read(byte[] b) throws IOException – reads byte[] specified and return the total number of bytes read or -1 when the file comes to end.

3.      public final Boolean readBoolean() throws IOException

4.      public final byte readByte() throws IOException

5.      public final short readshort() throws IOException

6.      public final int readInt() throws IOException

7.      public String readLine() throws IOException

Below example reads data and convert it into capital letter and copies into another file. 


FileOutputStream is used to create the file and write into it. If the file is not already available FileOutputStream will create the file. Constructor is as follow:

            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(“C:/javaTutorial/FileOutputExample”);

Following are the methods and their descriptions

1.      public void close() throws IOException – use to close FileOutputStream object.

2.      protected void finalize() throws IOException – the method used for clean up operations.

3.      public void write(int b) throws IOException – writes a specified byte to the output stream.

4.      public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException – Writes the mentioned byte array. 

Directories in java

Using IO operations provided by java we can create directories and make changes to it.

Creating Directories

mkdir() and mkdirs() are the two File utility methods which we can use to create directories.

mkdir() will create the directory, if created, will return true otherwise on failure it will return false. Failure will occur when there is some problem for the path.

mkdirs() will create the directory including all the parent directories.


Listing Directory

Below is the example of how we can use list() method provided by File object.


List of all the directories and files available in /temp directory.

I hope I have covered all the points related to File handling or File IO in java. Please feel free to add comments and share knowledge.

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