String Pool in Java

The string is one of the most used classes in java. The string is used in almost every aspect of programming. We use String class in hashmap for creating a key, creating variables and many more places. Hence, it becomes a priority for java to optimise the amount of memory that a String class object uses.

To achieve these, concepts like String pool and String interning were introduced. Today in this tutorial we will discuss these topics. Let’s get started.

What is String pool

String pool is a place where a collection of String objects are stored. There are mainly two ways by which we can create String object first is by using the new keyword and second is by placing the String into double-quotes. String pool is possible only because of the Immutability of String.

If we create a String object by using new keyword then the string object will be created into heap memory. However, with the help of intern() method, we can put the String object into the String pool or refer it to the already created object.

On the other hand, if we create the String object using double quotes first the String pool will be referred and if the object is present then the reference will be returned else new object will be created and then the reference will be returned. String pooling help in saving a lot of space at runtime.

The below diagram explains the above two statements more clearly.


String Interning

The process of Storing only one copy of every literal String in the pool is called String Interning. String Interning is possible because of the Immutability of String. String Interning saves a lot of memory at runtime.

After creating the String object the JVM will look for the same value into the String pool, if found, the Java compiler will return the reference to its memory address without new allocation. If not, string interning will take place and reference will be returned.

Let’s see some example on the difference between String Literal and String Object

Example 1:

Creating a string object using String Literal.

            String first = “Java8”;

            String second = “Java8”;

            System.out.println(first == second) // true

Example 2:

Creating string object using the new operator

            String third = new String(“Java8”);

            String fourth = new String(“Java8”);

            System.out.println(third == fourth) // false

Example 3:

Comparing String literal with String Objects created with new Operator.

            String fifth = “Java8”;

            String sixth = new String(“Java8”);

System.out.println(fifth == sixth) // false

In general, we should use String interning whenever possible. JVM will have a chance to optimise the code.

The intern() method

The intern() method helps us to do the manual interning. We can call intern() method on the String object that we want to intern. This is called manual interning. Manual interning will store the string object into string pool and when will return its reference whenever we need.

Garbage Collection

Before Java7, PermGen space is used to store the Java String Pool. The PermGen can not be extended at runtime as it has fixed space hence, no garbage collection is allowed.

If we are interning the string into PermGen instead of Java heap we can get OutOfMemory error if we intern too many String.

From Java7, the string interning is taking place at heap memory hence garbage collection is allowed. Hence, the risk of OutOfMemory error will be reduced as the unused String objects will be removed at the runtime making the space for more String literals.

Changes in Java9

Until Java 8, strings were known internally as an array of character - char[], encoded in UTF-16, so that each character would use two bytes of memories.

A new representation has been provided with Java 9, called Compact Strings. This new format will select the appropriate encoding between char[] and bytes[] depending on the stored content.

The new string representation will use UTF-16 encoding only when needed, significantly reducing the amount of heap memory, reducing waste collectors overhead on JVM.

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