Comparable vs Comparator

There are many ways by which we can sort the objects in the java. But there are two special kinds of interfaces using which we can sort the objects in the java. These interfaces are Comparable and Comparator. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss these two interfaces.

First, let’s discuss the differences between these two Interfaces and after that, we will look into them using examples:

Differences between Comparator and Comparable

The differences between Comparable and Comparator interface are as follows:

1.      Use Comparable to sort the object with natural sorting order whereas use Comparator to sort the objects based on user-defined criteria.

2.      Comparable interface has compareTo() method whereas Comparator interface has compare() method.

3.      Comparable interface is available in java.lang package whereas Comparator interface is present in java.util package.

4.      Comparable interface compares the current reference(this) with the object specified whereas Comparator compares two different objects.

5.      If we are implementing Comparable interface then the original class will get affected whereas if we are implementing Comparator interface we don’t have to change the implementation of the class.

Now, that the differences are clear let’s jump directly into the individual interfaces and understand them with the help of an example

Comparable Interface:

We should use the concept of the comparable interface when we have to sort the object based on default implementation. As discussed, the comparable interface has the compareTo() method. As comparable is an interface so every class which implements this interface has to override the compareTo() method. The compareTo() method will compare the current reference(this) with the object that is passed as an argument to the compareTo() method.

Consider the following example.


Student list after sorting

1 Ram India

2 Ravi India

3 Rahul India

4 Shyam India


This is the scenario where we wanted to sort the list based on only one criterion. Now, consider the scenario where we have to sort the list based on multiple criteria. Comparator interface provides the solution to this problem. Let’s see how.

Comparator Interface

Unlike comparable, the Comparator interface provides the facility to sort the given objects with different criterion. Comparator interface has compare() method. So, any class which is implementing the Comparator interface has to override compare() method. Collections class has a sort() method which will sort the collection. It takes the list object and type of Comparator.

Consider the following example:


Student list sorting by studentId

1 Ram India

2 Ravi India

3 Rahul India

4 Shyam India

Student list sorting by studentName

3 Rahul India

1 Ram India

2 Ravi India

4 Shyam India

In this example, we have two Class which implements Comparator interfaces. Each class has their compare() method which is sorting the list object based upon different criterion. IdComparator is sorting the list based on studentId and NameComparator is sorting the list based on studentName. In the main class, we can use the object of any of the Comparator to sort the collection.

As while using comparator interface we created two separate classes and given the implementation separately for sorting hence, our main class remains untouched. This is not in the case of Comparable interface. While using the Comparable interface as we have to override the compareTo() method inside the class itself, hence, we need to change the implementation of the class.

With this discussion, we conclude that which sorting method we should purely depend upon the requirement. I hope I have explained all the concepts of this topic.

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